Okamoto Lynn Short Story Collection - Flip Flap
Feito por: Okamoto Lynn
Cadastrado: 16/11/2024
View: 12
Tipo: Manga
Ano de publicação: 2008
Status: Finalizado

Okamoto Lynn Short Story Collection - Flip Flap
Cadastrado: 16/11/2024
View: 12
Tipo: Manga
Ano de publicação: 2008
A collection of short stories including: - Kimi to Toukan / Exchange with You Murakami likes her mysterious classmate Mako Fujisaki, but she never talk to anyone. He says he has seen her naked and transformed into a raven, but noboby believes him. Murakami decides to confront her to tell him he is not lying but Fujisaki just answers him that he will die if he rides his bycicle. He don't believe her words but soon he realizes Fujisaki's words were true. What will happen to Murakami and who is this misterious girl really? - Allumage Kumiko left Japan for LA in hopes of becoming a famous actress,...
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